• 新技术帮助科学家在骨髓中寻找干细胞

    14-10-08 Deep within the bone marrow resides a type of cells known as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These immature cells can differentiate into cells that produce bone, cartilage, fat, or muscle -- a trait that scientists have tried to exploit for tissue re...

  • 分子竞争驱使成体干细胞特性化

    14-08-07 Adult organisms ranging from fruit flies to humans harbor adult stem cells, some of which renew themselves through cell division while others differentiate into the specialized cells needed to replace worn-out or damaged organs and tissues. Understa...

  • 酶如何区分细胞信息

    14-08-05 Every once in a while, we are forced to sort that stack of papers on the kitchen counter. Interspersed(点缀,散布) between the expired coupons and dozens of takeout menus are important documents like your car insurance or electric bill. So it isn'...

  • 研究人员利用成人干细胞使角膜再生

    14-07-04 Boston researchers have identified a way to enhance regrowth of human corneal(角膜的) tissue to restore vision, using a molecule known as ABCB5 that acts as a marker for hard-to-find limbal stem cells. This work, a collaboration between the Massac...

  • 多能干细胞疗法在猴子身上获得成功

    14-05-19 Researchers have shown for the first time in an animal that is more closely related to humans that it is possible to make new bone from stem-cell-like induced pluripotent(多能的) stem cells (iPSCs) made from an individual animal's own skin cells....

  • 哈佛科学家能根据移植需求培养细胞

    14-01-13 Harvard stem cells scientists at Brigham and Women's Hospital and MIT can now engineer cells that are more easily controlled following transplantation, potentially making cell therapies, hundreds of which are currently in clinical trials across the...

  • 胃部细胞能自然转换为干细胞

    13-10-20 New research has shown that the stomach naturally produces more stem cells than previously realized, likely for repair of injuries from infections, digestive fluids and the foods we eat. Stem cells can make multiple kinds of specialized cells, and s...

  • 干细胞可用于给送药物

    13-10-06 A group of Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Stem Cell Institute researchers, and collaborators at MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital have found a way to use stem cells as drug delivery vehicles. The researchers inserted modified strands...

  • 干细胞和它的“小伙伴们”

    13-08-28 Like volunteers handing out cups of energy drinks to marathon runners, specially engineered helper cells transplanted along with stem cells can dole out(少量发放) growth factors to increase the stem cells' endurance, at least briefly, Johns Hopkin...

  • 胚胎干细胞的基因表达推论遭质疑

    13-07-04 Whitehead Institute researchers have determined that the transcription factor(转录因子) Nanog, which plays a critical role in the self-renewal of embryonic stem cells, is expressed in a manner similar to other pluripotency(多能性) markers. This...