• 首次全女性太空行走取消

    19-03-27 NASA has nixed the first all-female spacewalk over a spacesuit sizing issue. 美国航天局因太空服的尺寸问题取消了首次全女性太空行走。 Astronaut Anne McClain was supposed to float out of the International Space Station on Friday with newly arrived Chri...

  • 美国宇航局悬赏3万美金解决太空排便问题

    16-12-05 When youve got to go, but youre out there in space, zipped up in a spacesuit, with no toilet in sight and a crew of other astronauts around, what do you do? 如果你在太空裹着宇航服时,迫切需要方便一下,但是周围看不到厕所又有一群宇航员在,你要怎么办呢...
