• 壁虎斗蝎子

    14-11-12 When a gecko meets with a scorpion, the gecko will always provoke the scorpion that has no eyesight with its tail. Angered by the provocation, the scorpion will sting the gecko with the poisonous sting of its tail. The tail of the gecko is very smoo...

  • 《疯狂原始人》精彩词句

    14-10-14 The scorpion grabbed a hold of me, and you know, one thing led to another. 那只蝎子把我抓得牢牢的,然后,事情就一件接一件地发生了。 Painting is a thing of the past. 壁画已经过时了。 You are being irrational and counterproductive. 你这样胡搅蛮缠只会...

  • The Scorpion and the Tortoise

    14-02-28 A tortoise and scorpion had contracted a great intimacy(亲密) , and bound themselves with such ties of friendship, that the one could not live without the other. One day these inseparable companions, finding themselves obliged to change their habi...

  • 食蝗鼠对蝎子蜇无疼痛感

    13-10-25 The painful, potentially deadly stings of bark scorpions are nothing more than a slight nuisance(损害) to grasshopper mice, which voraciously(狼吞虎咽地) kill and consume their prey with ease. When stung, the mice briefly lick their paws and mov...
