• 世界首款狗狗专用电视遥控器问世

    16-07-07 Dog owners feeling guilty for leaving their pets alone at home for too long will son be able to take comfort in the fact that at least the animals wont be bored. Theyll be too busy changing TV channels and enjoying their favorite shows thanks to the...

  • remote dance 遥控舞

    15-08-26 Remote dance refers to the movements you make with your hand when trying to get your TV to recognize your remote control. 遥控舞指为了让电视机对手中的遥控器有反应而做出的各种动作。 All remote dances are different, but most involve twisting your hand...

  • 南美某偏远地区发现一种新的电鱼

    13-09-26 A previously unknown genus of electric fish has been identified in a remote region of South America by team of international researchers including University of Toronto Scarborough professor Nathan Lovejoy. The Akawaio penak, a thin, eel-like electr...
