• 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:得了便宜还卖乖

    22-08-26 1. 全部的身家性命 伯爵对母亲说,自己这一生的精力都倾注在唐顿庄园上。因为伯爵有三个女儿,所以他把唐顿庄园看作自己的第四个孩子。 It is my third parent and my fourth child. 这是我全部的身家性命(这大半辈子我含辛茹苦,呕心沥血。) 2. 画蛇添足/多此一举...

  • a helicopter parent 大小事情都要管的 “直升机家长”

    21-01-30 表达 a helicopter parent 的字面意思是 一个直升机家长,它实际用来指 一位非常关注孩子各方面发展,过分保护他们或过度干涉他们生活的家长。这个表达用可以相对长时间低空盘旋的直升机来比喻这类家长无时无刻不在监视孩子生活中的点点滴滴,大小事情都要插手。 例句...

  • parent and child program 亲子节目

    15-06-29 A Xinhua article points out that the parent and child programs , such as Dad! Where Are We Going? and Dad is Back posed a negative influence on parents, who intend to seek quick success and instant benefits. 新华社发文指出,类似《爸爸去哪儿》、《爸...

  • 英国单亲家庭比例西欧最高

    15-01-11 Britain has a higher proportion of single parent families than any other country in Western Europe, official figures show. 官方数据显示,英国单亲家庭比例高于任何西欧其他国家。 An analysis across the EU showed that nearly one in five British families...

  • 4.5亿年前已出现亲代抚育现象

    14-03-14 A portrait of prehistoric parenthood captured deep in the fossil record has been uncovered by an international team of scientists led by University of Leicester geologist Professor David Siveter. The 'nursery in the sea' has revealed a species new t...

  • 两种原子级材料能混合产生新材料

    13-10-24 Where two different materials meet on the atomic level, a new material can be born that is neither one nor the other. The two parent materials do not mix -- they remain distinct from one another -- but their marriage begets(产生,引起) a strange c...

  • 重复念同一本书有助幼童学习新词汇

    13-03-15 It's the bedtime ritual every parent dreads - being asked to read the same book for the umpteenth time. 这是让每个父母都头疼的睡前惯例被孩子央求把同一本书念上第N次。 But while the constant repetition might be mind-numbing for mum or dad, it is the b...

  • lawnmower parent 割草机父母

    12-12-13 The lawnmower parent comes as well-intentioned parents increasingly try to trim the problems from their children's lives. 越来越多心怀好意的父母试图扫清孩子生活中的一切障碍,于是,割草机父母就出现了。 Instead of hovering over their children closely...

  • 英国涌现“回巢族” 生活仍需依赖父母

    09-12-12 The rise of the so-called boomerang generation is laid bare in official figures showing that almost one in five graduates in their late 20s now live with their parents. 官方数据显示,目前(英国)有近五分之一年龄在20多岁的大学毕业生和父母同住,由此可...
