• 境外快递是否会引发新冠病毒“物传人”受到关注

    22-01-21 近日,快递包裹是否会引发新冠病毒物传人受到关注。 北京、深圳奥密克戎本土确诊溯源:均不排除因境外输入物传人的可能性 The first individuals in Beijing and Shenzhen infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 both had contact with parcels from North Am...

  • good things come in small packages 好东西不在个大

    21-07-19 Good things come in small packages 好东西不在个大是一个常用表达。人们常用这个说法来表示不能光从外表来判断一样东西的好坏或价值的高低,就像大盒子里可以装满便宜的毛巾,可是一个小小的盒子里却能放价值连城的金银珠宝。这句话也可以用来称赞身材娇小的人,虽然...

  • 中国快件投递量占世界总量40%

    18-03-26 Nearly 40 billion packages were delivered by express delivery services in China last year, accounting for 40% of the total number of packages delivered worldwide, said Ma Junsheng, head of the State Post Bureau. 国家邮政局局长马军胜表示,去年中国快...

  • 商品的外型尺寸影响消费者的选择

    14-06-04 Which look bigger, packages of complicated shape or packages of simple shape? Some prior research shows that complex packages appear larger than simple packages of equal volume, while other research has shown the opposite -- that simple packages loo...
