• miss the boat 错过机会,错失良机

    22-10-31 看到miss the boat的第一反应是不是沒赶上船,当然没有这么简单,它有更深层的意思: to lose an opportunity to do something by being slow to act (因行动慢而)错过机会,错失良机 例句: So, get yourself prepared, and dont miss the boat. 因此,你得好好准备...

  • more than one could wish for 求之不得

    21-01-29 求之不得,汉语词语,意思是想找都找不到。原指急切企求,但不能得到,后多形容迫切希望得到。可以翻译为more than one could wish for或be exceedingly welcome。 例句: 您能加入我们,真是求之不得。 You are more than welcome to join us. 这真是求之不得的好机会...

  • opportunity knocks but once 机不可失,时不再来

    21-01-10 机不可失,时不再来,汉语成语,指时机难得,必须抓紧,不可错过,可以翻译为Such an opportunity, once missed, will be forever gone。还可以用opportunity knocks but once,意思是great opportunities are typically only encountered once. 例句: 机不可失,时不...

  • Make the opportunity

    16-04-03 Make the opportunity The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. Opportunities! Every life is full of them. Every lesson in school or college is an opportunity. Every examination is a chance in life. Every business transa...

  • 机遇号发现火星曾存在水的证据

    13-06-30 Opportunity has made one of its greatest scientific discoveries so far. Clay minerals in a rock called Esperance clearly indicate that neutral water flowed across the rock some time in the first billion years of its existence. 机遇号目前已实现了它的...
