• 美国费城发生枪击案 六名警察受伤

    19-08-15 At least six police officers were wounded in a shooting Wednesday afternoon in the U.S. city of Philadelphia, according to local officials, but none are believed to have life-threatening injuries. 周三下午美国费城发生枪击案,至少六名警察受伤,不过据...

  • 英国警方不再调查低级别犯罪案件

    17-10-29 Britains largest police force will no longer investigate thousands of burglaries, thefts and some assaults, it has been revealed. 据报道,英国最大的警察机构伦敦警察厅今后将不再调查数千起入室盗窃、偷窃和袭击等犯罪行为。 The Metropolitan Police have s...

  • 巴黎部署“文明规范大队”维护市容

    16-10-05 Paris on Monday sent a 1800-strong incivility brigade into the streets of the French capital to enforce fines for uncouth behaviour and the blight of rubbish, cigarette butts and dog mess. 周一,法国首都巴黎为城市街道部署了1800人的文明规范大队,将对...
