• 三个“任性”的词组

    22-04-28 1. A firm hand 这个词组直译过来就是坚固严格的手,也就是所说的铁腕手段,严格没商量。 例句: A dictator must have a firm hand. 独裁者的手段是很厉害的。 2. Be as stubborn as a mule 中文里形容一个人做事固执任性会用倔得和头驴一样,英文里就把驴换成了骡子(m...

  • Praise the Lord 赞美主

    15-01-06 A farmer is driving down the road and spots a sign that reads Mule For Sale 。 He decides to at least look at the mule to see if it is of good quality. He talks to the owner which tells him that the mule is the faster mule alive, and that it is very...

  • money mule 钱骡

    10-06-10 骡子这种动物,在影视剧里出现通常都是驮着一堆货物跟着主人赶路的形象。大概是因为经常充当运输工具的缘故吧,到了网络时代,很多新生的说法都包含mule这个词。当然,有一些代表的意思是负面的。比如,我们今天要说的 money mule (钱骡)。 A money mule is a person...

  • Belief is All You Need

    09-12-11 A man was lost while driving through the country. As he tried to read a map, he accidentally drove off the road into a ditch沟渠 . Though he wasn't injured, his car was stuck deep in the mud泥 . So the man walked to a nearby farm to ask for help. Wa...
