• 英国管理者业绩不佳也照拿奖金

    15-06-19 UK managers are getting pay bonuses despite being underperformers, a new report suggests. 一份新的报告指出,在英国,管理者们即使业绩不佳,也依然能拿到奖金。 The research into the pay of 70,000 managers concluded that a third of those given bonuses w...

  • 管理者令人折服的领导力可提升员工创新力

    14-10-09 Managers can promote creativity in employees by empowering leadership and earning employees' trust, according to a new study by Rice University and American University. The researchers investigated, for the first time, the complex effect of the inte...

  • 多数主管无法充分发挥员工的价值

    12-05-13 New research suggests that most managers are failing to get the best out of their employees. 新调查显示,大多数主管都无法充分发挥员工的价值。 The findings have highlighted the growing unrest amongst workers towards those in charge - which is also un...
