• 伦敦女大学生素颜参加选美比赛并成功晋级决赛

    22-09-09 近日伦敦女大学生梅丽莎拉乌夫选择以素颜参加英格兰小姐选美比赛并成功晋级决赛。她也因此成为该选美比赛有史以来完全不化妆参赛的第一人。 A Miss England finalist has become the first ever beauty queen to compete without wearing any makeup in the pageants n...

  • “化妆”口语

    22-06-09 1. She came out wearing big false eyelashes. 她戴着长长的假睫毛出来了。 2. It takes me about five minutes to do my makeup. 我化妆大概需要5分钟。 3. She looked all made up. 她可真是浓妆艳抹。 4. She always wears a lot of makeup. 她总是化厚厚的妆。 5....

  • Pre-makeup 妆前准备工作

    22-01-25 目的:锁住水分,让后续的底妆看起来更清透(dewy makeup)、更持久(longevity of your makeup),避免后续上妆卡粉(cakey)。 购物Tips:小仙女们可以使用不同的产品,包括Face Mists/Spray(面部喷雾)、Serums(精华)、Lotion/Toner(化妆水)、Cream(保湿霜),Primer(妆前乳)...

  • 越南造型师把头发做成花

    21-12-28 与其在头发上插上美丽的鲜花,不如把头发做成盛放的花朵形状。这位把头发做成花的造型师来自越南,他设计的花朵发型灵动逼真,美轮美奂,令无数网友惊叹不已。 Nguyen Phat Tri, a young hairstylist from Vietnam, has been getting a lot of attention for his eye-c...

  • “下眼妆”已成流行趋势

    21-10-18 与其发愁用什么遮瑕膏才能掩盖你的黑眼圈,不如画个时下最流行的下眼妆。这种风靡社交媒体和时尚圈的创意妆容可以让你的黑眼圈变得又美又酷。 When it comes to an eye makeup routine, our eyelids and lashes usually see most of the action, but social media user...

  • 共享化妆间引发卫生担忧

    19-01-09 The cooling of Chinas sharing economy hasnt stopped entrepreneurs from turning their hand at a new type of sharing service: shared makeup rooms. 中国共享经济的降温并没有让创业者们将目光转向一种新式共享服务:共享化妆间。 Chutian Metropolis Daily repo...

  • 工作时需要化妆吗?

    17-01-22 For women, wearing makeup at work can be a complex issue. They must balance looking professional with the risk of being objectified. Overall, research shows that use of cosmetics signals status. A new paper, published in October 2016 in Perception,...

  • guyliner 男性眼线笔

    15-09-17 Male makeup was one of popular trends in Japan and South Korea. While Japanese men used to put on light makeup to keep their natural look, South Korean gentlemen were not afraid of wearing eyeliner or foundation to create delicate and elegant face....

  • 韩国妹子展现惊人卸妆过程

    15-06-08 A little BB cream or even light foundation can go a long way. Throw in some eyeliner and mascara, eyeshadow and face powder, or even the more extreme (but very popular) face contouring, and you can look almost like an entirely different person. 涂一...

  • 7个显瘦化妆小窍门

    12-12-03 Makeup can be a powerful tool in helping you look slim. Just look at any celebrity. Most do not look like they do on their own. Their makeup and hair really change how their faces look and draw attention to their best features. You can use some of t...