• 某常见补品能促进脊柱损伤的康复

    11-09-29 A commonly used supplement(补充,附录) is likely to improve outcomes and recovery for individuals who sustain a spinal cord injury (SCI), according to research conducted by University of Kentucky neuroscientists. Sasha Rabchevsky, associate profes...

  • 术后急性肾损伤有预兆

    11-08-13 Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common -- but preventable -- complication after surgery that can lead to other complications or even death. The use and development of biomarkers will help physicians diagnose and treat acute kidney injury. Three prote...

  • 新式脑损伤评定工具问世

    10-11-16 A Queen's University neuroscientist is launching a medical tool at the world's largest neuroscience conference in San Diego on Monday, Nov. 15. The KINARM Assessment Station will greatly improve the way healthcare workers assess patients suffering f...

  • 增强脊髓损伤的神经元修复能力

    10-11-16 If researchers could determine how to send signals to cells responding to a spinal cord injury, they might be able to stop one type of cell from doing additional damage at the injury site and instead, coax(哄骗) it into helping nerve cells grow. T...

  • 手的抚摩可使外伤疼痛感减轻

    10-09-24 There may be a very good reason that people naturally clutch(抓住,紧握) their hand after receiving an injury. A new report published online on September 23 in Current Biology shows that self-touch offers significant relief for acute pain(剧烈的...

  • 新研究为骨髓损伤治疗带来希望

    10-05-31 Researchers in the University of Alberta's Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine(康复医学) have made an important discovery that could lead to more effective treatments for spinal-cord injuries. Karim Fouad and David Bennett have identified one of th...

  • 肌肉损伤之后,基因转录可帮助干细胞增殖

    10-01-05 The master regulator of muscle differentiation, MyoD, functions early in myogenesis肌发生,肌细胞生成 to help stem cells proliferate增殖,扩散 in response to muscle injury, according to researchers at Case Western Reserve University. The study appea...

  • 干细胞疗法可能对急性肺损伤有治疗作用

    09-10-30 Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have shown that adult stem cells from bone marrow(骨髓) can prevent acute lung injury in a mouse model of the disease. Their results are reported online in the October issue...

  • Spinal advance gets rats running 脊髓实验使白鼠重新运动

    09-09-22 Hopes that people with spinal injuries could one day regain leg movement have been raised by research in rats. 有脊髓损伤的人将来某一天可能恢复腿部动作的希望随着在白鼠身上的实验而被提升。 Spinal injuries can be very difficult to treat US, Russian an...

  • Gel hope for brain injury repair 某水凝胶或对脑损伤恢复有效

    09-09-03 An injectable hydrogel could aid recovery from brain injury by helping stimulate tissue growth at the site of the wound, researchers say. 研究人员称,一种可注射的水凝胶可以通过帮助受损组织部位生长的方式有助脑损伤的康复。 The gel has helped repair br...