• 公共领域车辆全面电动化先行区试点启动

    23-07-06 工业和信息化部等8部门近日联合印发《关于组织开展公共领域车辆全面电动化先行区试点工作的通知》,专家表示,此举将进一步优化新能源汽车使用环境,推动产业高质量发展。 China aims to increase the share of electric vehicles in the public transport system to 8...

  • grow with each passing day 与日俱增

    22-08-24 与日俱增,汉语成语,随着时间一天天增长,形容不断增长。 可以翻译为steadily increase或grow with each passing day等。 例句: 他的信心与日俱增。 As the days progressed, his confidence increased. 两国民间的文化交流与日俱增。 Cultural exchanges between th...

  • 二季度全国38核心城市平均招聘薪酬上涨3.3%

    22-07-08 近日,智联招聘发布了2022年第二季度《中国企业招聘薪酬报告》,覆盖了国内38个核心城市企业的招聘薪酬水平。报告研究显示,今年二季度,全国38个核心城市平均招聘薪酬为10341元/月,比一季度的10014元/月上涨3.3%。 The average monthly wages in 38 major cities of...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 24

    21-05-07 Henry Crawford had quite made up his mind by the next morning to give another fortnight to Mansfield, and having sent for his hunters, and written a few lines of explanation to the Admiral, he looked round at his sister as he sealed and threw the le...

  • 具体性思维可增长消费者信心

    10-07-21 The confidence you feel when making a choice might depend on whether you're thinking concretely or abstractly(抽象地) , according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. In three experiments across a sample of 750 participants, we foun...
