• “鬼”往往只是一种错觉

    21-10-14 世界上有不少人相信鬼的存在。其实,大多数见鬼经历都是可以用科学来解释的。你所害怕的鬼,往往只是一种错觉。 1. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 电磁场 For decades, a Canadian neuroscientist named Michael Persinger studied the effects of electromagnetic fields on...

  • 日本海啸幸存者称灾区闹鬼

    13-03-10 The tsunami that engulfed northeastern Japan two years ago has left some survivors believing they are seeing ghosts. 在两年前发生那场席卷日本东北部的海啸后,现在一些幸存者认为自己能看到鬼魂。 In a society wary of admitting to mental problems, many a...

  • 日本灾后重建受“鬼魂”阻碍

    12-03-05 Japan's reconstruction following the devastating earthquake and tsunami nearly one year ago exactly is being delayed by an unlikely factor ghosts. 距离日本强震海啸的发生已经近一年了,如今日本的灾后重建工作却受到了意外因素鬼魂的阻碍。 Numerous report...

  • 双鬼侍母

    11-04-22 This is a classic Chinese fairy tale. It was said that there is a kind of poisonous grass that causes people to die after eating it. People said that people who died of eating this grass would become ghosts. They could reincarnate(转世) only by fi...

  • 超过1/3的美国人相信有鬼存在

    10-11-06 Ghosts and goblins are more than Halloween decorations or costumes for many Americans who confessed they believe in the supernatural and returning from the grave. 对很多美国人来说,鬼怪和妖精可不仅仅出现在万圣节的装扮或服饰上,他们坦承自己相信超自然...

  • What They Saw

    10-09-26 What They Saw Li-Hong Lei village, China, 2001 Three men out my window drag the earth through hoes, then bend to slit new seed rows. Behind them, an orchard(果园) droops(下垂,消沉) with almonds(杏仁) trees pregnant, the earth conceiving(怀孕...
