• the apple does not fall far from the tree 有其父必有其子

    21-07-19 The apple does not fall far from the tree 是一句英语谚语,直译是苹果不会掉在离树很远的地方,实际的含义是父母是什么样,孩子也是什么样。需要注意的是这句谚语带有贬义,和中文里有其父必有其子的概念一样。 例句 A: I cant believe Jack has been called into t...

  • fall from grace 失去人心

    21-06-22 Fall from grace 既可以作名词短语,也可以作动词短语。它指某人因做了坏事或误入歧途而失去人心,不再受众人尊重。它还可以指人失去权力、荣誉或地位。 例句 A pop star, who fell from grace, now works as singer at a theme park. 一位歌星误入歧途,失去人心,所...

  • If you were coming in the fall

    21-06-17 If you were coming in the fall 如果你能在秋季来到 作者:Emily Dickinson,译者:江枫 If you were coming in the fall, 如果你能在秋季来到, Id brush the summer by 我会用掸子把秋季掸掉, With half a smile and half a spurn, 一半轻蔑,一半含笑, As housew...

  • fall by the wayside 半途而废

    21-06-15 这个表达可用来描述人或事物。在描述人时,fall by the wayside 形容一个人半途而废,没能完成某件事;在描述事物时,形容事物被搁置、放弃,或人们不再使用它了。 例句 I was really keen on going camping this summer, but that idea has fallen by the wayside. 我...

  • to fall on deaf ears 置若罔闻

    21-06-15 如果一个人的建议或警告 fall on deaf ears 落在了听不见的耳中, 那么此人所说的话就没人听。这个说法形容人置若罔闻,充耳不闻。 例句 I reminded him three times that the homework assignment was due but it fell on deaf ears. Now hes failed! 我提醒了他三次...

  • Fall for someone 迷恋上一个人

    21-04-27 口语搭配 fall for something 的意思是 上当受骗,而 fall for someone 指的则是 爱上、迷恋上一个人,这个说法不仅表示喜欢上一个人,还指 开始对这个人产生了爱意。 例句 They met at a New Years Eve party and fell for each other immediately. 他们在一个新年聚...

  • give up halfway 半途而废

    20-11-21 成语半途而废出自《礼记中庸》:君子遵道而行,半途而废,吾弗难已矣。(有些品德不错的人按照中庸之道去做,但是半途而废,不能坚持下去,而我是绝不会停止的。)半途而废指的就是做事中途放弃,不能坚持到底。在英语中,我们常用fall by the wayside或者give up half...

  • collapse after one setback 一蹶不振

    20-09-19 一蹶不振,汉语成语,意思是一跌倒就再也爬不起来(unable to get up after a fall),比喻遭受一次挫折以后就再也振作不起来。可以翻译为collapse after one setback;never be able to recover after a setback。 例句: 我想这个决定对他是个沉重的打击,从此以后他...

  • Fringe Tree

    16-03-15 Fringe Tree James Davis May -- Or Old Man's Beard. That the names we give recall the thing is what we want. And yet, both names are boring when compared to the way it shimmers there like a firework that somehow doesn't fall, or the way it will fall...

  • 祀人忧天

    15-11-10 In the past, a man in the State of Qi went off into wild flights of fancy all day long. He was afraid that the sky might collapse, the land might cave in and he would have no place to live. He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep. One...