• rip entry 完美压水花

    21-08-11 外行看跳水,主要看最后一步,我们俗称压水花。 跳水的难度也在于在前面的各种旋转之后,在入水的一刹那,是否还能保持身体与水面的垂直。 这里给大家介绍一下压水花英语怎么说。 首先,水花是splash,压水花我个人理解是使水花最小化,英文可以说:minimizing splash...

  • 台湾居民来大陆将无需入境许可

    15-06-18 The Chinese mainland will remove entry permit requirements for Taiwan residents from July 1, according to a revised regulation made public Thursday. 本周四对外公布的一项修订条例规定,7月1日台湾居民进入中国大陆将不需要入境许可。 With the revision, Ta...

  • multiple entry 多次入境

    15-04-22 China and the United States will grant each other's citizens a business or tourist visa with multiple entries and a maximum validity of 10 years, China's Foreign Ministry announced on Monday. 中国外交部周一宣布,中美双方将为前往对方国家从事商务或旅...

  • 深圳居民每周只可进出香港一次

    15-04-13 The Chinese mainland has limited the number of visits Shenzhen residents can make to neighboring Hong Kong to just one entry-exit trip per week, as of Monday. 中国大陆从本周一起限制深圳居民进出香港的频率为每周一次。 People living in Shenzhen can go...

  • Entry lux 轻奢品

    13-12-13 Entry lux or entry luxe refers to the entry level class of luxury goods. They are priced relatively lowly to allow people of limited means to enter the luxury market. 轻奢品指的是入门级的奢侈品。轻奢品的价格相对较低,让收入有限的人也可以买得起,从而...
