• 《赛车总动员》第1章

    22-11-16 Excitement pulsed through a packed stadium where thousands of revved-up fans gathered to watch the Dinoco 400the biggest race of the year. They honked their horns and waved their flags in support of their favorite racers. The winner would receive th...

  • 反意疑问句

    22-10-19 和汉语一样,英语里也有自问自答的表达方式,这就是反意疑问句。学会这种表达方式能提高讲话力度和说服力。 1. You will pay me the money back, _________? a) wont you b) will you c) do you d) wouldnt you 2. Shes a very good driver, _________? a) is she b) i...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 3

    22-09-14 Counting the driver, there were four men in the car with Hagen. They put him in the back seat, in the middle of the two men who had come up behind him in the street. Sollozzo sat up front. The man on Hagens right reached over across his body and til...

  • fine line 两种情形看起来有些相似,但实质却有很大区别

    22-06-09 两种情形看起来有些相似,但实质却有很大区别这种情况我们在日常生活中偶尔会遇到。用英语应该如何表达? 1. Theres a fine line between drinking socially and alcoholism. 喝酒应酬和嗜酒可是有区别的。 2. Theres a fine line between helping your kids with thei...

  • 油价上涨或导致美国在未来12个月陷入经济衰退

    22-03-24 受地缘政治危机影响,美国汽油价格在过去一个月连连上涨,再加上国内通胀不断加剧,美国民众将不得不节衣缩食,减少消费。专业机构预测,油价上涨或导致美国在未来12个月陷入经济衰退。 At the Costco gasoline station in Sunnyvale, California, on Saturday, a driv...

  • 10个描述各种人的习惯用语 下

    22-03-22 6. couch potato和mall rat是两个和美国人生活习惯有关的俗语。 couch potato指一有时间就坐在沙发上看电视的人,一声不吭,一动不动,就像一个圆滚滚的土豆。而mall rat当然不会是购物中心的真老鼠,而是指没事儿老喜欢到mall(大商场)里去逛的人。 7. backseat driver...

  • t is in someone's genes 某人与其父母的性格或职业选择很相似

    21-09-03 我们用短语 it is in someones genes 来形容某人与其父母的性格或职业选择很相似。 例句 I love motor racing. The love of speed is in my genes. My father was an ambulance driver. Ann is very ambitious. She cant help it, its in her genes. Her parents arriv...