• 为什么冬季容易情绪低落

    22-01-10 最近,为什么冬季容易情绪低落登上微博热搜榜,什么是 季节性情绪失调?它和冬天有什么关系?日常怎么预防? 首先,如果冬天让你感到情绪很差,常常陷入抑郁情绪,先不必惊慌,因为大多数人体会到的抑郁尚属正常范围。 但如果你明显地感受到悲伤和易激惹,频繁地哭泣,...

  • 左撇子似乎更易患精神疾病

    13-10-31 Researchers have long studied the connections between hand dominance and different aspects of the human brain. A new study out today in SAGE Open finds that among those with mental illnesses, left-handers are more likely to suffer from psychotic dis...

  • 教师更易患语言障碍

    13-10-16 Mayo Clinic researchers have found a surprising occupational hazard for teachers: progressive speech and language disorders. The research, recently published in the American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Other Dementias, found that people with spee...

  • 饮食失调可能由两个基因异常引起

    13-10-09 Eating disorders like anorexia nervos(神经性厌食症) and bulimia(易饿病) often run in families, but identifying specific genes that increase a person's risk for these complex disorders has proved difficult. Now scientists from the University of I...

  • 虚拟食品同样可对饮食失调患者造成压力

    10-07-06 Food presented in a virtual reality ( VR虚拟现实 ) environment causes the same emotional responses as real food. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access(开放存取,开架阅读) journal Annals of General Psychiatry compared the responses of...
