• suffer a drastic decline 一落千丈

    21-01-11 一落千丈(literally drop a thousand zhang in one fall),汉语成语,原形容琴声由高而低突然变化;现在表示下降得很厉害,用来形容声誉、地位或经济状况急剧下降。可以翻译为suffer a drastic decline,也可以用nosedive来表示。 例句: 自从美国入侵以来,这位总统...

  • 英格兰和威尔士的人口出生率创历史新低

    20-11-24 英国国家统计局(Office for National Statistics)发表的数据显示,2018年,英格兰和威尔士的人口出生率,按总人口的比例衡量,降至历史最低点。 Just over 657,000 babies were born in England and Wales in 2018, the fewest since 2005 and the lowest rate since...

  • 新冠抗体的覆盖率正在下降

    20-10-29 Researchers in the United Kingdom say theyve observed a significant decline in the percentage of the population with COVID-19 antibodies, potentially pointing to waning immunity. 英国的研究人员称,他们观察到拥有新冠病毒抗体的人口比例大幅下降,这可能...

  • 全球森林面积在20年间减少近1亿公顷

    20-09-18 The world has lost nearly 100 million hectares of forests in two decades, marking a steady decline though at a slower pace than before, a UN agency reported Tuesday. 联合国粮农组织周二报告称,全球森林面积在20年间减少了近1亿公顷,这标志着尽管减少的速...

  • 中国将是2020年G20中唯一实现正增长的国家

    20-09-17 The huge shock to many of the worlds biggest economies from the coronavirus pandemic may not be quite as bad as economists feared just a few months ago. 新冠肺炎疫情对世界上许多大型经济体的巨大冲击,可能没有几个月前经济学家担心的那么严重。 In a repo...

  • 全球电脑销量连续五季下跌

    13-07-11 Global personal computer (PC) sales have fallen for the fifth quarter in a row, making it the longest duration of decline in history. 全球个人电脑销量连续第五季度下滑,造成史上最长的下跌周期。 Worldwide PC shipments totalled 76 million units in the...

  • 恐龙灭绝前数量已经大幅下降?

    12-05-02 Despite years of intensive research about the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs about 65.5 million years ago, a fundamental question remains: were dinosaurs already undergoing a long-term decline before an asteroid(小行星) hit at the end of the Cr...

  • 探索全球两栖动物数量下降成因

    11-12-20 A new study co-authored by University of Florida researchers on the endangered Ozark Hellbender giant salamander(娃娃鱼) is the first to detail its skin microbes, the bacteria and fungi that defend against pathogens. Published recently in the onli...

  • 蜜蜂传粉率处于下降趋势

    10-09-06 Widespread reports of a decline in the population of bees and other flower-visiting animals have aroused fear and speculation(推测,思索) that pollination(授粉) is also likely on the decline. A recent University of Toronto study provides the fir...

  • Child mortality drop 'too slow' 世界儿童死亡率下降“过于缓慢

    09-09-13 The UN children's agency says child mortality is decreasing, but the rate of decline is not enough. 联合儿童署称儿童死亡率在下降,但是下降率仍不够。 Unicef says preventable diseases are the biggest killers of children A new report says more than eig...