• 文化交流词汇

    12-03-08 culture shock 文化冲击,文化休克 culture pollution 文化污染 cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流 high culture 高雅文化 counter-culture (上世纪六十至七十年代在西方出现的)嬉皮文化,反传统文化 online courses 在线课程 knowledge-sharing 知识共享 The...

  • cultural tourism 文化旅游业

    11-11-30 The ongoing Chinese Culture Year in Italy will intensify cultural tourism and spread greater mutual awareness between the two countries, a senior Italian official says. 一位意大利高级官员说,眼下在意大利举行的中国文化年活动将促进文化旅游业的发展,增...

  • 有修养的男子更健康快乐

    11-05-24 Men who visit art galleries, museums, and the theatre regularly tend to enjoy better health and are more satisfied with life, reveals a study published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. The study found that both men and wom...

  • cultural and creative industry 文化创意产业

    11-03-18 The cultural and creative industry has become one of the pillar industries in Beijing, contributing 11.4 percent of the city's GDP in 2008. Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the...

  • 法国菜被列入世界非物质文化遗产

    10-11-17 UN cultural organisation Unesco has added France's traditional gastronomic meal to the world's intangible heritage list at a committee meeting in Kenya. 在肯尼亚召开的委员会会议上,联合国教科文组织将法国传统美食列入世界非物质遗产。 Unesco said Franc...

  • The Old Town of Lijiang

    10-10-19 Brief Introduction This 800-year-old habitation of the Naxi people is noteworthy(显著的) for its harmony with nature, ingenious(有独创性的) architecture and urban facilities. Lying in a broad, fertile valley in the northwest of Yunnan Province,...

  • BEC高级口语素材

    10-05-14 Identify the Differences -- Five Fundamental Patterns of Cultural Differences 了解不同:中西文化差异的五种基本模式 1. Different Communication Styles 不同的交流风格 The way people communicate varies widely between, and even within, cultures. One aspe...

  • 中国发现最古老的长城遗迹

    10-03-11 The Great Wall ruins(废墟,遗迹) of the ancient Chu state are seen in Yexian county(郡,县) , Pingdingshan, Central China's Henan province. The province's cultural heritage(文化遗产) bureau said on March 8 that they have found what was called...

  • 史蒂夫·旺达荣获法国顶级荣誉勋章

    10-03-07 US singer Stevie Wonder has collected one of France's top cultural honours in Paris, 30 years after he was first named to receive it. 美国歌手史蒂夫旺达在巴黎将法国顶级文化荣誉之一收入囊中,时间距他首次被提名该奖项已过去30年。 Wonder was named a Com...

  • 文化史影响到对生物伦理学和进化论的思考

    10-02-22 Cultural views of evolution can have important ethical(道德的,伦理的) implications, says a Duke University expert on theological(神学的) and biomedical(生物医学的) ethics. Because the popular imagination filters science through cultural assum...