• M67星团中有很多巨行星

    16-06-19 An international team of astronomers have found that there are far more planets of the hot Jupiter type than expected in a cluster of stars called Messier 67. This surprising result was obtained using a number of telescopes and instruments, among th...

  • 悉尼临近海域发现水下火山群

    15-07-14 Australia's new ocean-going research vessel Investigator has discovered extinct volcanoes likely to be 50 million years old about 250 kilometres off the coast of Sydney. The chief scientist for the voyage, UNSW Australia marine biologist Professor I...

  • 后发星系团内发现854个超暗星系

    15-06-24 A group of researchers from the Stony Brook University (the State University of New York) and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan has discovered 854 ultra dark galaxies in the Coma Cluster by analyzing archival data from the Subaru Telesc...

  • 星体的年龄与运行轨道的联系

    13-07-19 Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have determined the orbital motion of two distinct populations of stars in an ancient globular star cluster, offering proof they formed at different times and providing a rare look back into the Milky...

  • 天文学家发现超大星系团

    12-08-17 Astronomers have found an extraordinary galaxy cluster, one of the largest objects in the universe, that is breaking several important cosmic records. Observations of the Phoenix cluster with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the National Science Fo...

  • 天文学家拼凑出潘多拉星团图

    11-06-23 A team of scientists studying the galaxy cluster Abell 2744, nicknamed Pandora's Cluster, have pieced together the cluster's complex and violent history using telescopes in space and on the ground, including the Hubble Space Telescope, the European...

  • 梅西尔107星团的结构分析

    10-12-09 The globular cluster(球状星团) Messier 107, also known as NGC 6171, is a compact and ancient family of stars that lies about 21 000 light-years away. Messier 107 is a bustling(熙熙攘攘的) metropolis: thousands of stars in globular clusters like...

  • 黑洞的形成需要多少质量?

    10-08-19 To reach their conclusions, the astronomers looked in detail at the extraordinary star cluster(星团) Westerlund 1, located 16 000 light-years away in the southern constellation(星座,星群) of Ara (the Altar). From previous studies (eso0510 - htt...

  • 哈勃望远镜捕捉到新恒星团的形成景象

    10-06-03 With a mass of more than 10 000 suns packed into a volume with a diameter of a mere three light-years, the massive young star cluster(星团) in the nebula(星云) NGC 3603 is one of the most compact stellar clusters in the Milky Way and an ideal pl...

  • 古星系团之中存有新星系

    10-05-13 A team of astronomers(天文学家) including Ivelina Momcheva of the Carnegie Observatories has discovered the most distant cluster of galaxies ever found. In a surprising twist, the young cluster born just 2.8 billion years after the Big Bang appear...
