• 欧洲低生育率的原因

    11-06-19 The post-war trend of falling birth rates has been reversed(颠倒,翻转) across Europe, according to a new study. However, despite an increasing emphasis on family and fertility policies in Europe, this recent development involves social, cultural...

  • 老鼠嗅觉神经在出生后发育完善

    11-03-13 For rodent pups, bonding with mom isn't hard-wired in the womb(子宫) . It develops over the first few weeks of life, which is achieved by their maturing sense of smell, possibly allowing these mammals a survival advantage by learning to identify m...

  • 北极熊产仔率与海冰融化时间相关

    11-02-09 University of Alberta researchers Pter Molnr, Andrew Derocher and Mark Lewis studied the reproductive ecology(生态学) of polar bears in Hudson Bay and have linked declining litter sizes(同胎生仔数) with loss of sea ice. The researchers say proje...

  • 细菌感染可能会引发早产

    11-01-28 The type of bacteria that colonize the placenta(胎盘) during pregnancy could be associated with preterm birth and other developmental problems in newborns according to research published in the current issue of the online journal mBio. The fetal(...

  • 孩子出生一年之内 父母患抑郁的风险较大

    10-09-07 More than one-third of mothers and about one-fifth of fathers in the United Kingdom appear to experience an episode(插曲,情节) of depression between their child's birth and 12th year of age, with the highest rates in the first year after birth, a...

  • 助产方式出生的婴儿患有某些基因缺陷

    10-02-22 More than three million children have been born as a result of assisted reproductive technologies(辅助生育技术) since the birth of the first test tube baby in 1978. While the majority of these children are healthy and normal, as a group they are a...

  • Indonesian woman gives birth to 8.7 kilo boy 印尼妇女产下16

    09-09-27 A three-day-old baby boy, weighing 8.7-kilograms (19.2-pounds) left, lays next to a standard size newborn baby at a hospital in Kisaran, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2009. An Indonesian woman gave birth to the 62-centimeter (24.4 in...

  • Birth drugs 'cut breastfeeding' 催产药物对母乳喂养不利

    09-09-02 Drugs commonly used to treat bleeding after birth may hamper a woman's ability to breastfeed her baby, research suggests. 研究显示,治疗产后出血的药物可能会妨碍女人母乳喂养的能力。 Experts believe breastfeeding is good for mother and baby The study,...

  • Protein 'key to premature births' 蛋白质是“早产的关键因素”

    09-08-03 Premature labour, the major cause of death and disability among babies, may be prevented by blocking a key protein, a study suggests. 一项研究建议,早产--婴儿死亡和残疾的主要原因,可能通过阻止一种关键性的蛋白质来预防。 Premature labour, the major ca...

  • Saliva test for early birth risk 唾液检测可检测出早产

    09-07-22 A simple saliva test could help spot which expectant women are likely to go into premature labour, experts believe. 专家相信,一个简单的唾液测试就可以确定预产期母亲是否会早产。 It is still unknown why about 40,000 UK women a year give birth prematur...