• 我家的阁楼

    16-03-09 We moved in our new house. The house has cathedral ceilings up and down, and the only attic space was in the adjoining wall from my sons room, which is above the kitchen. It is about twelve feet long, and its highest point is about five feet, and th...

  • 'Balloon boy' found alive at home “气球男孩”安全藏于家中

    09-10-16 A six-year-old boy thought to have been carried away by a helium balloon in Colorado was in fact hiding in a box in an attic at home, an official has said. 美国一位官员称,科罗拉多州一个被认为被氦气球带走的六岁男童实际上是藏在家中阁楼的一个柜子中。...
