• 黑色星期五的由来

    20-04-22 The Friday after Thanksgiving was coined Black Friday in the 1960s to kick off the holiday shopping season. In America, its basically its own holiday. The black in Black Friday refers to stores moving from a loss to a profit. Back in this time perio...

  • 英语十大新词由来及释义

    09-07-29 1. infortainment 它是由information和entertainment两个单词组合而成,意为新闻娱乐化。新闻娱乐化是对新闻功能的异化。在当今新闻娱乐化的潮流中,新闻的首要功能已经从重要性变成了娱乐,成为休闲生活的一部分。 2. broadloid 这个新词由Broadsheet(大报)和Tabloid(...
