文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2008-04-11 07:54 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

All is not ...
  說明︰此句型意為“並非一切…都是”。含有全體意義的<代名詞>和<副詞>如 all,every(及其派生詞), both,always,altogether,entirely,wholly 等,用於否定結構時不是表示全部被否定,而只表示其中的一部分被否定。也可將 not 置於 all,every 等詞的前面。
  All is not gold that glitters1. (=All that glitters is not gold.) 閃閃發光者並非都是金子。
  Not all the students study hard. 並非所有的學生都用功念書。
  I don’t know all of them. 我並不都認識他們。
  The rich are not always happy. 富人未必一定幸福。
  A kind man is not always patient. 心腸好的人未必總是有耐心。
  His deeds do not always agree with his words. 他的言行並非總是一致。
  Nobody can always have good luck. 沒有人始終能夠有好運。
  A wise man doesn’t know everything. 智者並非每一件事都懂。
  Every one cannot become businessman. 不是所有的人都能成為商人。
  Such a product is not found everywhere. 這樣的產品不是隨處可以找到的。
  Not both of his sisters agree to his suggestion. 他兩個姊姊並未都同意他的提議。
  Both items are not fashionable. 兩個品種並不都很時髦。
  I don’t like both of them. 他們兩人我並不都喜歡。
  Not both the artists have a keen eye for beauty. 這兩位藝術家並非都有審美的眼光。
  Not both Peter and John enjoy music. 並非彼得與約翰都喜歡音樂。
  He doesn’t wholly agree to the plan. 他並不完全同意這項計劃。

  ... not necessarily ...
  結構︰... not necessarily ...
  說明︰此句型意為“未必是…”。not necessary 是"不必要的"。
  The name of a restaurant won’t necessarily tell you much about the food it serves.
  A good book does not necessarily sell well. 好書未必暢銷。
  This is not necessarily the best. 這未必是最好的。
  Learned men are not necessarily wise. 博學者未必都是聰明的。
  A hero is not necessarily one who has done brave things. 英雄未必是做過勇敢之事的人。
  The strongest man does not necessarily live the longest. 最強壯的人未必活得最久。

  No/none ... + V ...
  結構︰no/none 等否定詞+肯定式動詞…
  說明︰本<句型>表示全體否定。否定詞 no,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere,nohow,neither, never 等本身就是絕對的否定意義,<動詞>雖是肯定形式,但整個句子仍表達否定的意義,常譯做“任何…都不”,“大家都不…”,“全都沒有…”,“任何時候都不…”,“無論何處都不…”等。這些否定詞引導的詞組大多做<主詞>,也可做<受詞>和<副詞>。
  No buyers can buy this sort of product. 任何買主都不能購買這種產品。
  Neither of my parents enjoys music. 我父母都不喜歡音樂。
  I like neither of the designs. (=I don’t like either of the designs.)這兩個花樣我都不喜歡。
  None of the three is a good student (are good students). 這三人都不是好學生。
  Nothing worth doing is easy. 值得做的事沒有容易做的。
  Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. 有志的人沒有做不到的事。
  Nothing is changeless. 沒有一成不變的東西。
  Nobody is without faults. 沒有人是沒有缺點的。
  He never gets up early. 他從未早起過。
  The book is nowhere to be had. 這本書什麼地方都買不到。

  All + V + un...
  結構︰all/both/every 等+肯定式動詞+含否定意義的單詞…
  說明︰此句型意為“一切…都不”。all,every 等詞在本句型中表示全部否定,其否定意義不是通過述語 <動詞>,而是通過句子其他成分中含有否定意義的單詞表達出來的。
  All goods here are unsaleable. 這裡的一切貨物都是賣不出去的。
  All his plan came to nothing. 他的一切計劃都沒有實現。
  Every selling plan made by him is impossible of execution2.
  We all disbelieved what he promised. 對於他的許諾我們全都不相信。
  Their quarrels about the trivia are always interminable. 他們對瑣事的爭吵總是沒完沒了。


1 glitters f615e1e99b72c7a4f990e6e950a2cb96     
闪烁,闪耀,闪光( glitter的第三人称单数 ); 眼睛闪现(某种强烈情感)
  • I mean that all glitters is not gold. 我是说,不是所有闪光的东西都是金子。
  • All is not gold that glitters. 闪光的东西不一定都是金子。
2 execution Pmoxt     
  • The musician's execution was perfect,but he played without feeling.演奏者的技巧完美,但他演奏得毫无感情。
  • His original idea was good,but his execution of the scheme was disastrous.他的设想很好,但实行起来却糟糕透顶。