文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2008-12-29 05:59 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
opportunist :: individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage
opprobrium :: infamy; vilification
optician :: maker and seller of eyeglasses
optometrist :: one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects
opulence :: wealth
opus :: work
oratorio :: dramatic poem set to music
ordinance :: decree
orientation :: act of finding oneself in society
orifice :: mouthlike opening; small opening
orison :: prayer
ornithologist :: scientific student of birds
ornithology :: study of birds
orthography :: correct spelling
pachyderm :: thick-skinned animal
pacifist :: one opposed to force; antimilitarist
paddock :: saddling enclosure at race track; lot for exercising horses
paean :: song of praise or joy
palaver :: discussion; misleading speech; chatter
palette :: board on which painter mixes pigments
palimpsest :: parchment used for second time after original writing has been erased
pallet :: small, poor bed
palliation :: act of making less severe or violent
panacea :: cure-all; remedy for all diseases
pandemonium :: wild tumult
panegyric :: formal praise
panoply :: full set of armor
panorama :: comprehensive view; unobstructed view in all directions
pantomime :: acting without dialogue
papyrus :: ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant
parable :: short, simple story teaching a moral
paradox :: statement that looks false but is actually correct
paragon :: model of perfection
parallelism :: state of being parallel; similarity
paramour :: illicit lover
paranoia :: chronic form of insanity marked by delusions grandeur
paranoiac :: mentally unsound person suffering from delusions
parapet :: low wall at edge of roof or balcony
paraphernalia :: equipment; odds and ends
parasite :: animal or plant living on another; toady; sycophant
paregoric :: medicine that eases pain
pariah :: social outcast
parity :: equality; close resemblance
parlance :: language; idiom
parley :: conference
parody :: humorous imitation; travesty
paroxysm :: fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage
parricide :: person who murders his own father; murder of a father
partiality :: inclination; bias
parturition :: delivery; childbirth
parvenu :: upstart; newly rich person
pastiche :: imitation of another"s style in musical composition or in writing
pathos :: tender sorrow; pity
patina :: green crust on old bronze works; tone slowly taken by varnished painti
